A School Management System

The SchoolHandle cloud based ERP System provides user-friendly dashboards with login access for teachers, non-teaching staff, students, parents and management personnel of your institution. The various modules available in SchoolHandle facilitate all the processes of your institution, from admission of new students to generating transfer certificates when students complete their studies.


A drag and drop timetable which shows conflicting warnings if more than one teacher is assigned to one class during the same lesson period.


A dashboard which displays latest news, events, discussions, birthdays, leave applications, and more. The student and parents module is designed for a great user experience with a user friendly interface.


Upload and download notes or assignments by teachers. Online submission of notes or assignments by the students. Teachers can download the assignment submitted and can give back relative feedback through the system.


Create different types of exams based on grades. Generate automatic, quick and on demand reports for required exams including exam wise reports, subject wise reports, reports based on student rankings per class, attendance and more.


Customise and manage different categories of expenses and incomes, including donations. Adjust settings for printing fee receipts and generate financial reports with customisable date range.


Display events, examination, holidays and deadlines in the calendar. Separate color for each action as categorised items. Show a monthly view of all items and navigate easily through that calendar month.

and there's more...

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